Feb 28, 2011

Joe Prytherch Illustration

I found this artist's website through yayeveryday.com and fell in love with his graphic illustration style: Joe Prytherch

Feb 20, 2011

Feb 19, 2011

The King of Macabre

I've been working on this portrait for a few months now, and I think I've got it to a point where I'm satisfied with it. So this is the "official" unveiling of a vectorized portrait I made of my favorite classic horror actor, Poe aficionado, and all-around creepy-cool guy: Vincent Price. :)

Here is the photo I referenced:

Eight-legged Freaks

Not a big fan of spiders although I made this illustration for a project, but ultimately ended up not using it.

Feb 17, 2011


This little guy was influenced by graffiti styles and Japanese character designs. I've been told by different people that it resembles a flower or a cookie(?), but it is actually a "blob" riding on a cloud. But it can be a flower if you really want it to be. :P

They're Good for You

Have you had your daily recommended dose?

Celebrate Responsibly

Apologies for being a few days late (hey, I just started this thing 2 days ago!), but I wanted to share my small valentine's day contribution.

Feb 16, 2011


Yay for shiny new blogs! It's like turning to the first page of a fresh blank sketchbook, which is actually kind of what this blog is meant to be--my digital sketchbook. I have another blog that is dedicated to my progress and research in my courses as I work through the graphic design undergraduate program at Georgia State University.

This blog, though, is mainly for digital creations, hand-drawn/scanned images, or links and things that I may find relevant. By maintaining this blog I hope to possibly refine my illustration [and, of course, design] skills as well as sharpen my abilities in illustrator, photoshop, etc.

I hope you [whoever you may be, if you're out there] will find my musings entertaining and maybe even helpful in some way. :)

- Xtine